Paper and Copyists in Viennese Opera Scores  


Paper      P41B      
Watermarklily / AS
Selenometrie in mmxy: 15, xz: 79
Countermark3 crescents / A
Date1769 - 1771
SourceA Wn Mus.Hs._17833_1_fol77v78r75v76r
Paper millAntonio Seguito, Lusetti, Toscolano
CommentaryMark and countermark are arranged vice versa in the two twins. The description of the watermark is referring to the A-twin. P41 often appears together with P73 in mixed quires.
watermark countermark

Sheet P41B


Watermarklily / AS
Countermark3 crescents / A
SourceA Wn Mus.Hs._17833_1_fol74v73r80v79r
twin watermark twin countermark

Sheet P41A

Copyists and works

Copyists using paper P41WK68F, WK70A, WK71D, WK71E, WK71F, WK71L, WK71M, WK71Q
Scores written on paper P41Sacchini_17830, Sacchini_17869, Salieri_17833



Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Eybl

mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien.
Seilerstätte 26
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel. +43 (1) 71155 - 3525


Forschungsprojekt: Papier und Kopisten in Wiener Opernpartituren 1760-1774 (Projektleitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Eybl)

mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien, Institut für Musikwissenschaft und Interpretationsforschung A-1010 Wien, Seilerstätte 26


Web interface and database programming: Emanuel Wenger (Vienna, Austrian Academy of Sciences) — Design: Vlad Atanasiu

A dataset of the Bernstein Project on watermarks and paper expertise

Supported by